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Plant Hangar

Project Type

Product Design/Photography
CNC/ Laser Cut/ Woodworking

This project was based around the broad concept to make something physical using the fab lab.

I decided to make a plant hangar because I wanted to use the wood shop we had on campus.

I also 

I was in the woodshop for over 6 hours a day for basically the whole semester. 


I took some time to research what other typical plant hangars looked like with the intention to make this out of wood. I wanted to work on my wood working skills along with the tactile, problem solving that comes with bringing a product to life and having pieces fit and function together.


After choosing a direction, I started focusing on proportions and how I wanted every measurement of the hangar to be. Then I started collecting materials, sketching out pieces based on proportion, and altering them to fit the hangar design.


 I used illustrator to make pdf's for a program to read to send to a CNC machine that cut out the bowls to the right size and width. I hade four panels that I put together incase there were any problems with the first round which there were, causing the first round to be unusable. I spent a lot of time in the wood shop cutting pieces to shape, sanding, and gluing things together. 


After getting all the pieces together, buying the hardware that was accustom to its use, and drilling the holes I sealed them with lacquer, and finally put the hangar together.

Product Photography

The final part of the project was taking photography 

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